Anal 3.0: The Back Story

After writing my previous posts about anal sex, I've received several questions about the topic. Here are some of my thoughts to those questions, as we delve into the back story about anal:*

1. Will it hurt?

Yes, of course. It's not exactly like putting a square peg in a round hole, but there's a reason why some girls comment that their asses are Exit Only. The amount of pain varies, though, depending on how large the relevant body parts are, and your pain threshold.

It will help immensely if you prepare beforehand and have patience during. Try a small toy or finger first. Purchase a high-quality lubricant (Swiss Navy or ForPlay). Take your time and take breaks. Communicate with your partner and make sure he knows that you control the pace and intensity at first. Read some of my other tips about positions that are more friendly for first-timers or those who are experiencing some pain from anal sex.

Rest assured that it does get easier with time and practice. If back door loving is a somewhat regular part of your routine, then eventually, it should only hurt during the first thrust or two, if at all.

2. I'm a straight guy. Isn't anal sex just for gay guys?

No!!! The anus is an erogenous zone, irrespective of your sexual orientation. Yes, homosexual males may engage in anal sex more than the average straight couple. But, why should that concern you any? Your sex life is just that…yours! You should determine what works for you.

Since the ass is naturally tighter than the pussy, anal sex feels different…more intense…and possibly, more pleasurable. An intimate act with your girlfriend or wife doesn't need to be a lifestyle choice or a step on the path toward homosexuality. Think out of the box (pun intended), and with all due respect, check yourself for some homophobia.

If you are comfortable with your sexuality, and you and your woman want to try something new, then why not give it a go? Keep in mind that you can also lay down some ground rules. You may find that you enjoy pleasing your girl anally with a finger, toy, tongue or your cock, but have absolutely no desire for her to touch or lick you in that area. Talk about these things beforehand to figure out both of your comfort levels.

3. I'm worried about…umm…the smell…or anything else coming from back there.

Good question! I think of the book, "The Gas We Pass" and the fact that occasional, minor activity is an occupational hazard with anal sex. Barring a parasite, food poisoning or severe IBS, you should NOT have the same reaction that Tucker Max's girl did during their first foray into anal.

Take your time in the days prior and the minutes before full penetration to acclimate yourself and your ass to the sensation of back door fun. Communicate with your partner (that's a recurring theme if you haven't noticed).

Don't eat a lot of food prior to having anal sex. If you do, some positions might make you feel like you are going to throw up, or toward the end of intercourse, there might be a slight odor in the room. Will it be atrocious? No. But, it will smell like gas or worse (crap).

If that happens, wait until your man cums, laugh about it ("you tapped that ass, baby!"), excuse yourself and come back with a match or candle. It doesn't need to be a big deal if you don't make it one. Likewise, if you feel comfortable enough having anal sex with your man and vice-versa, then you don't need to ignore the obvious.

Try to eat foods that are healthy (low in fat and salt) and more on the bland side to ensure that these things don't arise. If you are on a date with your man beforehand that includes dinner at a fancy restaurant with rich foods, don't deprive yourself, but don't overeat either. (Don't feel bad about any of this either. If you've read my blow jobs posts, I also mention that high salt in a man's diet affects how his cum tastes. Our bodies are wondrous things, but they don't always cooperate as we would like.)

If you have a sensitive stomach normally, be cautious. If you go more than the average person, then don't have anal first thing in the morning. Translation: make sure that you have gone to bathroom and eliminated as much as you possibly can before you have anal sex. That will help make the experience more pleasurable for you both.

There might be a small bit of residue when your man pulls out. If he used a condom, then clean up should be easy. If not, you might want to have a washcloth handy or offer to go get one.

Afterward, you may notice that you are more gassy than normal. (Again, I'm talking about a normal bodily function so don't view this as a big deal.) Logic dictates that the lube and cum that go in have to come out. It won't be anything that your man or anyone else will probably notice, but it's better to know the lay of the land in advance, right?

Happy to answer any more of your questions regarding this or anything else. I wouldn't view any of the above information as a deterrent from anal sex, but rather, that being more informed now may prove useful later.

(Not that) Happy Birthday to me!

March-April 2006

Philly Matt was heading to Qatar with the Air Force Reserves in five weeks so I tried to focus on the positive. He was a great guy, and I wanted to make our relationship work. But, when we saw each other in early March, our problems resurfaced yet again.

I was looking for assurances that Matt and I wouldn't have to stay in the long-distance mode upon his return from the Gulf, but he didn't feel comfortable committing to that. He also was frustrated with his dwindling hours of work on the base, and that understandably affected his mood and his income.

I didn't know what would happen once he left for Qatar, but I decided to ride things out. I knew how I felt about him and how he made me feel when things were good. Wasn't that enough for now?

I tried to be as supportive as I could be in the present and also began thinking of ways to make his deployment easier. I downloaded Skype on my computer, and bought cards to send him after he went overseas. (My favorite card said, "The love I feel for you is in my heart. The distance between us is just geography." I thought that summed it up perfectly!) I imagined us on Skype and AIM for hours and started to view his departure as a way for him to feel better about himself professionally and for us to reconnect emotionally.

And then…things went from so-so to worse. Three weeks before he was scheduled to leave for Qatar, he got a call from the base commander and learned that Reservists from Pennsylvania were not being deployed…at all!

Philly Matt didn't know what he was going to do professionally. The base at which he worked was closing. He wasn't heading to Qatar. And, the big pay-out that the Air Force told him was coming from his deployment wasn't! That's not a fun position for anyone to be in!

My glass is always half-full so I talked about the benefits of him staying in the States. (He could be closer to his kids and to me, he could now look for a full-time job, and he didn't have to deal with being in the desert for 3-12 months.) Sometimes, Philly Matt would play along with that, but other times, he wouldn't. I tried to get him excited about the fact that now we could spend our birthdays together. (We were born three days apart in early April.) I wouldn't say he was necessarily thrilled about it, but he did come down to DC so we could celebrate together.

Matt got into town on the evening of his birthday. I greeted him at Union Station with a balloon, and ushered him off to Filomena for dinner. I was friends with the chef, and he took great care of us.

When we got back to my place, I gave Philly Matt his present: the first season of Lost on DVD; a t-shirt from French Connection; and a mushy card. I didn't want to do too much and make him feel uncomfortable, but I also wanted to do enough to make him feel special. Mission accomplished!

On the day before my birthday, Philly Matt joined my friends and me for lunch and games at Dave and Buster's (one of my guilty pleasures). The next day was my actual birthday. When Matt and I woke up, we had sex. Being in bed with him was always good, but when we were done, I felt a bit confused. I kept waiting for some acknowledgment of my birthday. A card. Singing me "Happy Birthday!" A little gift. Breakfast in bed. Flowers. Something!

But, something never came. When we arrived at Union Station, we waited in line for his train to board. As we kissed goodbye, he said,

"Happy Birthday!"

I guess that was something?!? But, that couldn't be it, could it? As I drove home from the train station, I got it in my head that he had left me a card or present at the house as a surprise. When I arrived at my condo, though, it didn't take me long to realize that there wasn't any surprise.

Philly Matt had come down to DC so that we could spend our birthdays together, which was what I had wanted. Well, partly. I had also hoped that he would make some effort to show me that he cared.

I spent my birthday afternoon, bonding with a box of Kleenex and wondering if I needed more than this. Was this relationship worth fighting for?

And another door opens – Part II

I walked around Midtown Loft during the DC Twestival, mixing and mingling as City Girl, Relationship and Sex Blogger. I met a few more people, but wanted to get back to my conversation with Buckeyes Boy.

I returned to his table and took a seat on the bar stool across from him. Normally, at an event like this, you give people some space as you're talking to them. My interaction with Buckeyes Boy was different, though. Our feet rested on each other's bar stools…I leaned my body in toward him…his hand brushed against my leg a few times. Being so close to him just felt natural, even though we had only met an hour ago.

We discussed all the topics that you usually would bring up with someone you just met:

Where are you from?
What do you do?
Where do you live in town?

I couldn't stop smiling the entire time that I was next to him. I'm not referring to a relaxed or coy smile here. I'm talking a smile so big that you would think I was competing in a pageant!

Since the Steelers-Titans game was playing on the TV in front of us, our heads turned from time-to-time to catch the game. But, for two football fans, we concentrated much more on each other than the game. And, it was a good game!

The table got pretty crowded as the Twestival organizers finally sat down to enjoy a drink after all of their hard work. One girl accidentally bumped into me, and without hesitating, Buckeyes Boy put his arm around my back to protect me. It was a gesture so simple, yet it made me feel safe.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

I was pretty disoriented, and knew that he could tell that from my expression. Rather than giving him one of my pat responses, I said,

"You like football so I'm sure you've heard of Post-Concussion Syndrome. I have it, and crowds and noise make me really dizzy. But, it'll calm down in a minute or two. Thanks!"

(For those of you who don't know me, I don't normally share this much with someone I just met. But, I didn't feel like it was a big deal.)

"You sure you're okay? Do you need anything?" Buckeyes Boy inquired.

"I'm okay. Thanks. I'll just probably head out soon so I can get away from the noise."

Other people walked up toward us, and he put his arm around me again. When he touched me, I felt that spark that you get when you have an attraction to someone. I hadn't felt that in a very long time. And, I couldn't resist doing something that I had wanted to do the whole evening: I put my arm around his perfect, huge biceps and squeezed. He didn't see that coming, but he took it in stride. We both laughed, as I complimented his guns.

Buckeyes Boy asked for my contact info (of course I gave it to him), and we continued talking some more. When halftime came, I told him,

"I should go now, but I've really enjoyed talking to you. I hope that you'll give me a call!"

He offered to walk me out, and we ended up standing outside Midtown Loft for another 30 minutes. There were a lot of people of the street, but with the exception of the odd man carrying nun chucks into Julia's Empanadas, I didn't register what anyone was doing. All of my attention was focused on Buckeyes Boy.

We talked about his experiences playing football in college and what his plans were now that the Twestival was over. He asked if I was taking a taxi, and I said,

"No, I'll walk back to Foggy Bottom."

"Really?" he inquired with concern. "Are you sure it's safe?"

I liked how protective he was of me, even though we didn't know each other well. It also crossed my mind that the third quarter of the game was almost over by this point. Buckeyes Boy was a Steelers fan, and yet, he was missing the game to talk to me. Huh. *smile*

While we were outside, his friend, Paul, came up to him and asked if he was leaving. Buckeyes Boy replied that he would be going back up to the lounge. Shortly after I left, Paul asked Buckeyes Boy about me and learned that we had met at the event.

Paul to Buckeyes Boy: Really? I wanted to approach you, but it looked like you were in a very intense conversation. You guys were standing like an inch away from each other! You really didn't just meet her tonight? [Buckeyes Boy nodded.] Seriously?

Buckeyes Boy had asked me to text him to let him know that I got home safely, which I did. The last five minutes of the game were quite eventful so as he was stuck on the Metro to Maryland, I started texting him with updates from the game.

When he got home, he called me to say thanks and we talked for another hour. I knew that I had met a guy who was fine, nice and cool. I knew that I wanted to see him again soon. But, I didn't imagine two months ago that attending a Twitter charity event would lead to something so wonderful.

(And, yes, I have tears in my eyes as I'm writing. Really. Happy. Tears.)

And another door opens

September 2009

I woke up on the morning of the 10th with a heavy heart and a few tears in my eyes. On this day last year, my girlfriend, Kiki, lost her courageous battle with leukemia. I took some time before getting out of bed to look at a photo of us, reread the last card that she had written me, and say a prayer for her and her family. I also reflected on how much I had learned about unconditional love from watching Kiki's husband sit by her bedside for 13 long and painful months.

The NFL season opener was taking place that night between the Steelers and the Titans. My friends and I didn't want Kiki's husband, a Titans fan, to be alone on the anniversary of her passing so we asked if he wanted to join us for the game. He had already made plans with his in-laws so I ended up buying a ticket to the DC Twestival.

(If you aren't familiar with Twestivals, they serve as a way to connect members of the Twitter community offline for a social event and fundraiser. All proceeds from DC's Twestival went to Miriam's Kitchen, a wonderful organization that also happens to be the first place I volunteered at when I moved to DC.)

I decided that I would go to the Twestival as City Girl, thereby choosing to out myself to people as a relationship and sex blogger for the first time. I thought I would build a little blog buzz, contribute money to a great cause, and make it home by the second half of the game. Little did I know as I showed up at Midtown Loft for the event that a date that brought me so much sorrow last year would bring me so much happiness this year!

When I arrived at the Twestival, I scanned the crowd in search of familiar faces. I saw a friend from law school and his girlfriend in one corner of the room. I saw a reporter I had befriended online near the DJ booth. And, then I saw him…Buckeyes Boy.

He was one of the Twestival organizers, and I had been following him on Twitter for the past couple of weeks. His online picture caught my eye because his smile could light up a room, but his headshot didn't do him justice!

Imagine 6'3", 245, with skin like café au lait and arms so big that I could only hope to get tickets to the gun show. (It was like I went into a lab and created the perfect guy for me, and *poof* there he was!) His pale pink shirt exuded confidence, but his smile and laugh revealed a friendly and genuine side.

Before I could head over and say hello to Buckeyes Boy, my friend from law school approached me. I caught up with him for a while and then met several new people. After about an hour on the one side of the lounge, I finally walked toward Buckeyes Boy.

"Hi," I said as I extended my hand to him, "I'm City Girl."

"Hi," he replied, "I'm Buckeyes Boy."

"I just wanted to congratulate you and the other organizers. It's great that this night is such a success and raised so much money for Miriam's Kitchen."

"Thanks," he responded. He smiled at me warmly, but I could tell from his expression that he was trying to place me.

"I have a blog, and we're Twitter friends, but I only have a picture of the back of my head on the site. I figured I would introduce you to the front of my head," I told him with a laugh.

His smile widened, as he registered who I was.

"I write about relationships and sex, but I'm also an attorney so I have to blog anonymously. Don't want to jeopardize my career," I explained, as I handed him a business card with my blog information on it.

We talked for a while about my blog, the Twestival and the football game (he's a Steelers fan) before he looked up and said,

"Your hair is beautiful! The way the light is shining on it…there's this glow around you. Did you just get it done?"

"Yeah, I did. Thanks," I replied, blushing.

I felt like I could spend the entire evening just talking to him, but a part of me thought that I should mingle a bit.

"Would you like to sit down?" Buckeyes Boy asked.

"I should probably go network a little more, but I'll be back," I informed him.

"I hope so."

I had started to walk away, but turned back to smile at him and say, "Oh, I'll be back. Definitely."

When sex hurts

Two friends recently approached me with almost identical questions about what to do when sex is painful:

I have endometriosis and having sex hurts. I don't even really like having sex because it's so painful, but I try to do so every now and then. If I don't keep my husband happy, I worry that he'll go out and cheat on me. Do you have any suggestions for me, City Girl?

First of all, know that you are not alone! A study by Brigham and Women's Hospital reveals that 16% of women experience chronic pain from intercourse. 16%! The causes might vary, but if you have severe pelvic pain, then even the thought of sex might make you cringe with discomfort.

Now, as you probably know already, I'm not a health care professional or certified sex educator. (I'm a lawyer, which might explain why I love disclaimers.) Painful sex is a medical problem so I strongly suggest that you talk about this with your doctor! You can broach this question to your gynecologist, primary care physician or endocrinologist. You don't have to get into a lot of detail about your situation — just enough to get the point across. Simply explain to your doctor that you experience pain during intercourse because of whatever reason (if you know what that reason is) and wondered what he or she recommended.

No matter your religion, culture or upbringing, remind yourself that sex is not a dirty word. Also remember that you are not asking your doctor anything that he or she hasn't been asked before. And, finally, if your doctor is not someone with whom you feel comfortable talking about your body, then get another doctor! Every patient needs to be his or her own advocate, and finding a health care provider who is approachable and has a good bedside manner is your right!

If you are experiencing endometriosis or a condition that causes pelvic pain, also check with your doctor to see if you are medically-cleared to have sex. And, be specific. My doctor still laughs about the fact that when I was told I couldn't have sex for four weeks after surgery, I asked the following,

"Vaginal? Oral? Anal? What about fingers? Can I orgasm clitorally? Play with toys?"

As memorable as that interrogation was, my doctor answered every single question. I waited the time I needed to heal and was given the clearance to do everything I wanted in four weeks. If getting that specific with your doctor is too embarrassing for you, then it's okay to write your questions down and present your doctor with the list.

It's also important to speak up with your partner. No one who cares about you would want you to be in pain. Period. (If you question that for a minute, try reversing the situation to assuage your fears.) It's okay to say, "Ouch!" or "Oww!" or "Can we switch positions?" You can even bring up the topic when you aren't having sex to let your significant other know that you find certain things uncomfortable or what he can do to make the experience less painful for you.

Other ideas to make sex more pleasurable for both of you:

1. Take a pain reliever an hour before you will be having sex. If you aren't on a prescription pain medicine, then two Advil or Motrin should work. Try to stop the pain before it reaches its peak;

2. Have your man get you off once before he enters you. Make sure that your muscles are as relaxed as possible;

3. Figure out which positions and what pace are most comfortable for you. And speak up when it hurts and especially when it feels good;

4. Try some mind over matter/biofeedback techniques. If you tell yourself, "this is going to hurt, but I have to do it or my husband will have an affair," then that doesn't put you in the best mindset to have sex. What if you try to be more self-affirming? Remind yourself that you are excited to be making love with your husband. Try to retrain your thoughts to focus on the pleasure, rather than the pain;

5. Think out of the box. Literally! If vaginal sex is that painful, then mix it up. Perfect your skills at giving a blow job or a hand job. Give anal sex a try. Talk with your man as to what he enjoys or wants to explore. Find other ways to increase intimacy (notice I didn't write orgasms);

6. Plan on taking a bath after you have sex. If there's discomfort or any bleeding, you might find a bath to be soothing;

7. If you aren't going to a doctor about any of this, start! Depending on your level of pain, there might be medical or surgical options to make your situation better. If you are open to alternative or Eastern medicine, you might search for a good, licensed acupuncturist, Reiki master, or herbalist. If there are psychological issues coming into play that affect your views on or discomfort from sex, please talk to a therapist or social worker to help you process your feelings; and

8. For the guys, let your women know that you love them, want them to feel better, and aren't going to cheat on them when the sex isn't as great or as frequent as it once was. And then…stick to that!

Lube Job 2.0

As we travel down the road toward Lubrication River yet again, let's talk about two more issues regarding personal lubricants.

In Imerika's comment to my last post, she mentioned that some of her friends thought that K-Y's Warming Gel lubricant burned. The need or desire for lubrication is a personal one, but her words got me thinking…

If it's your first time purchasing lube, you don't have to go for the bells and whistles. Avoid the scented, flavored, tingling lubricants, and just try plain old lube. As I mentioned in the last post, Better Sex Essentials wins with respect to how it feels, how long it lasts and how much it costs. But, K-Y liquid and Astroglide are basic lubricants. Safe or boring might not work in some arenas, but when it comes to lube, don't view basic as a bad thing.

If you are ready to explore scented, flavored or tingling/warming lubrications, go for it! Just remember to apply sparingly at first. You can always add more lube later, but if you put too much on too quickly, it might cause discomfort or a burning sensation. Some women can also develop a reaction or irritation to scented or flavored lubricants so less is more.

Communication and listening to your body also play a role in experimenting with lube. If anything feels uncomfortable, stings or is painful, stop immediately! Get up and rinse the product off of you. Don't feel embarrassed in the slightest. If anything, you can turn it into something fun,

"I don't like this lube. Let's go in the shower so we can rinse off before I [blow you, fuck you, bring you back to the bedroom, etc.]."

With respect to lubes for anal sex, lubrication is critical to the process so explore what's out there as your man explores what's in there. Experiment to see which one is most comfortable for you and which is most pleasurable for you and your partner. I also encourage you to read online reviews or ask for input at your neighborhood sex shop. We all naturally have our own preferences so it can help to get more information at the beginning to make the most informed decision.

Water-Based: If you are looking for a lighter, natural lubricant that also has the advantage of being condom-safe, then stick with water-based. K-Y works, but it might make more sense to invest in a better-quality lubricant that lasts longer and is more cost-effective. Better Sex Essentials fits this bill. You may have to reapply depending on how long you are having sex, but you or your partner can do that with more lube or a few drops of water.

If you'd like something that's a little thicker, but still water-based, go for ForPlay Gel or Sex Grease. ForPlay feels more natural, but Sex Grease last longer. Different strokes…

Any of these brands are odorless and non-staining. There's no need for the whole world (or a family member or cleaning woman) to know that you are using a lubricant.

Petroleum-Based: These lubricants feel less natural, which makes for a more intense experience. That can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on your perspective and your comfort with anal sex. If you are a newbie to back door lovin', then you might want to avoid petroleum products for a while. Petroleum is oil-based and heightens the sensations more than water-based so be prepared for the kind of sex that you feel from the top of your head to the bottom of your toes. Petroleum lube may bring such intensity that the sex becomes painful. If that's the case, speak up and stop! Or, petroleum lubricants might make the experience more erotic. If that's the case, speak up and continue!

Doc Johnson's Anal Lube is a big seller in the petroleum arena. The pump dispenser is convenient, and you get a lot of bang for your buck. Keep in mind that petroleum lubricants are not condom-safe.

Silicone-Based: Silicone-based lubricants are thicker than water-based, but not as thick as petroleum-based. They last longer than water-based lubricants so there's less of a need to reapply during sex, but they are greasier/slicker. Sensations are a little more vivid than water lubes, but less intense than petroleum. Apparently, they are the best for sensitive skin and cause the least irritation of all types of lubricants. And, they are condom-safe.

Wet Platinum and Swiss Navy are popular brands. According to the saleswoman at The Pleasure Place, there isn't a difference in the ingredients in silicone lube. People tend to make purchases based on packaging, size and cost. Swiss Navy beats out the other brands for its smooth consistency and convenient pump dispenser. It's all about trial and error, though, to find what's most pleasurable and comfortable for you and your partner.

If price is an issue, sex shops typically charge $5-$10 more per bottle of lubricant than online drug or specialty shops. Happy Shopping!

Lube Job

So, I'm not a medical professional, but I am a sex blogger who is comfortable talking to her friends about sex and writing about it for a larger audience. Over the past few months, the topic of lube has come up on several occasions. With the disclaimer that I'm no lube-ologist, here are some musings about using lubrication:

1. The majority of my female friends and readers are in their mid-20s to early 40s. There's a thought that only menopausal women (and not those in our demographic) need lubricant. But, women in our age groups might need a little help getting wet in times of stress, when they are on medication, or after giving birth. I think there's a misperception that a need for lube means that your pussy has dried up or that there's something wrong. Let's try to reframe that, shall we?

If you are too dry south of the border, then sex isn't fun (or easy) for either you or your partner. But, that doesn't mean you need to stress over it. Treat it the way that you would if you and your guy are getting ready to have sex and his cock isn't cooperating.

Getting the attention you deserve often requires communication. Ask your man to touch you or go down on you. Suggest breaking out a small toy. Or, start jerking him off as you touch yourself. If none of those methods are doing the trick, break out a bottle of lube.

Now, you don't need to make a big production out of it. (A guy doesn't tend to show disappointment if he can't get hard right away or if he cums too quickly or takes too long to cum.) No apologizes or excuses. Just get some lube, look your man in the eye and say,

"I just want to make sure things are nice and wet."

Paraphrase as you will, but there's a way to be honest and still be sexy.

If you are a guy, don't look down on a woman bringing lube into the mix. The need for added lubrication is physiological, not a reflection of your skill or lack thereof at turning her on. The goal here is to make you both as ready for sex as possible. If a little extra lube can get her there, that shouldn't be viewed as a bad thing!

2. What lube should you choose? If you are just looking for some added lubrication, go for a water-based lubricant. A water-based lube is condom-safe, silky smooth and closest to a woman's own juices. K-Y is the most popular brand and easiest to purchase because you can get it at any drugstore or grocery store.

But, Better Sex Essentials Liquid Lubricant beats other brands hands-down. It's not as sticky as K-Y or similar drugstore brands, and you get much more bang for your buck since a huge bottle is $12.95. Better Sex also doesn't feel as thick as most lubricants, which can provide a more natural sensation.

3. What about the new K-Y Yours+Mine products?

Last year, K-Y introduced a set of lubricants. One bottle is designed for men, and the other bottle for women. When you combine the two products, there's supposed to be a warming sensation that brings maximum pleasure for both parties. Now, these products can help a woman get wet and a man hard, but they also work if a couple is already excited.

Three couples in my group tried the products with three different results. (That serves as yet another reminder that what might be right for you may not be right for some. And, yes, I just quoted the theme song from "Diff'rent Strokes" in a sex blog post.)

Couple #1: He liked it, but she loved it. A lot. She found sex to be even more pleasurable so she and her partner kept using it. And using it. She used it so much that she developed a bit of a reaction to the product. The bottles are currently collecting dust in her bathroom closet.

Couple #2: He liked it, but she was too sensitive for it. She is able to have multiple orgasms, and the added sensation caused her clit to throb before his cock was even near her pussy. He put his hand on her clit without moving her fingers, and she came. The product heightened the experience so much so that it was distraction from the actual act. Two minutes later, she washed the product off of her. She gave the bottles to her friend.

Couple #3: She liked it, and he loved it. They experienced the warming sensation on the first try and continue to use the products on a regular basis. They enjoy the Yours+Mine set so much that they should be spokespeople for K-Y!

He’s great on paper, but…

July 2009

I was still on a high from meeting JAG Man. We had a lot in common, and we were both in similar places in our lives.

We met on a Thursday, and he asked me out for the following evening. (He won points for not playing the "wait three days" game. I was never one for those dating rules.) JAG Man invited me out for a dog walk and coffee. I was looking forward to that, but my sick pooch put a wrench in those plans. I figured that JAG Man would suggest that we grab coffee without my dog, but he surprised me by asking if I wanted to have dinner…at Westend Bistro by Eric Ripert. The wanna-be foodie in me gave him extra points for that wonderful suggestion.

I thoroughly enjoyed our dinner, but I liked JAG Man's company even more than the food. He's incredibly intelligent, and I felt inspired by his accomplishments. He also has a kind heart, and his face lit up when he talked about spending time with his nieces.

After dinner, we walked back to my place. I invited JAG Man inside, and he helped me prepare sangria for my Girls' Night the following evening. I kept waiting for him to try to make a move, but he never did. Three hours later, he said that he needed to leave before he "lost control." I wasn't sure if that would have been a good thing or a bad thing, but I respected the fact that he wanted to take his time getting to know each other. (I had jumped into bed way too soon with far too many guys. At this stage of my life, though, I was interested in a relationship, not just casual sex.)

JAG Man and I made plans to see each other on Sunday night. I had so many leftovers from my party that we just had dinner at my place. After we ate, we sat on my balcony and talked for a couple of hours. When we went back inside my apartment, he moved toward me and kissed me. Really kissed me.

His lips and tongue felt perfect against mine. He kissed with just the right blend of softness and strength. We stayed on the couch and made out for two hours like we were in high school. I was wet, and he was hard, but neither of us talked about sex. I had a feeling that there would be time for that in the future.

As JAG Man was leaving, I realized that I had a little crush on him. I hadn't had a crush on a guy in a very long time, and it felt good. A half-hour later, JAG Man called to let me know that he had gotten home okay.

JAG Man: I had a great time tonight.

Me: So did I.

JAG Man: I wanted to let you know that I'm not really sure what I'm looking for right now.I don't know where I see this going.

Me: Well, we're just getting to know each other so we don't need to talk about that yet, do we?

JAG Man: Well, I broke up with my ex-girlfriend two years ago, and that was really hard. I'm still processing my feelings. Since she and I broke up, I have a tendency to fall really fast for girls and then, when we start to get close, I stop calling them.

Me: [Holy Shit! Where is this even coming from? We just met three days ago! We barely know each other. Plus, who throws out all his issues on the second date?] So…are you telling me this because you want me to stop you if you do that with me or because you just want me to know why you won't be calling me back down the road?

JAG Man: The latter.

Me: [Long pause.] Okay. [Another pause.] It just seems a bit odd to bring this all up now.

JAG Man: Well, I dated a girl earlier this year, and when she confronted me as to why I became distant, I told her that I wasn't ready for anything serious. She had said that she wished she knew that from the beginning, and I didn't want to make the same mistake with you.

Me: Okay. Thanks then.

He and talked for another half hour or so about other topics, but in the back of my head, I kept wondering…

Was Mr. Great on Paper really not that great when it came to relationships?

Great on paper

Summer 2009

JAG Man sightings during the month of June made for some interesting dog walks around my neighborhood. JAG Man always warranted a look back and a smile from me. (There are those girls who never show interest or flirt with a guy before he shows interest in them. But, that "playing coy" thing has – thankfully — never been my style.)

JAG Man's suits and shirts looked as though they were custom-made. His color palette proved that a real man can wear lavender and pink. And, his face and body were also easy on the eyes. Imagine a man who is 6'1" with a soccer player body and a dark black complexion.

JAG Man never was outside sans papers and a red pen in his hand. I would have put money on the fact that he was a lawyer working for one of the firms near my condo.

There was only one thing that I found strange regarding my initial impression of JAG Man. He never smiled back at me. He wasn't wearing a wedding band, and he didn't pique my fairly accurate gaydar. Maybe he had a girlfriend? Or he wasn't attracted to white women? Or he only approached women dressed professionally? I was a tad perplexed since I'm used to at least getting some reaction from a guy when I smile at him. (I'm not writing that to be arrogant, but at 5'10" with long red hair and very fair skin, I don't exactly blend in a crowd.)

In late June, I was walking my dog and saw JAG Man at the end of the block. I smiled at him per usual, and he nodded with closed lips. In comparison to our previous interactions, that seemed like progress! A few minutes later, he walked toward me and stopped right in front of me. Then, he reached for his phone and abruptly turned around. Man, this guy was one step forward and one step back! Later that evening, I saw JAG Man walking with a woman. I couldn't tell if they were together or not, but I decided to err on the side of caution that she might be his girlfriend.

I hadn't seen JAG Man for a couple of weeks when I ran into him again on July 16th. He was outside of his office building, editing a document. I found it odd that he was still wearing his suit, shirt and tie at 6:30pm, especially considering that it was 90 degrees with 80% humidity. As my dog was sniffing the newly planted mulch, I caught JAG Man's eye as he looked up and said,

"I give you credit for keeping your jacket on in this weather."

"Well," he replied, "I hadn't even thought about taking it off since I'm going back into the office in a few minutes."

A few minutes turned into almost an hour, as we stood outside of his office and talked. I realized within short order that JAG Man was more shy than aloof. Early on in the conversation, he brought up the fact that he had wanted to approach me before, but was always in a rush. He even talked about the night that he almost came up to me. Apparently, he had wanted to say hello to me, but was distracted waiting for his friend (not girlfriend!) from college.

The more we talked, the more it became very obvious that we had a lot in common. We both:

*Had lived overseas as teenagers and loved languages;
*Were lawyers and went back to school for our master's degrees;
*Were active with charities;
*Valued our faith;
*Rooted for the NY Giants despite the fact that we both had resided in DC since the mid-1990s. (NFC East rivalries are hardcore.)

JAG Man was only two years older than me, but he was so professionally accomplished that you would have thought he was in his 50s. He was regularly interviewed on television news shows, served on nonprofit boards and legal committees, and was the national president of his fraternity's alumni chapter. There is good on paper, and there is great on paper. He was clearly the latter!

"It was wonderful to talk with you. I hope that we can do it again soon. Please e-mail me when you get back upstairs," JAG Man told me as his handed me his card.

I took his card, and we hugged goodbye. I walked back inside my building with a little extra spring in my step and a huge smile on my face. I wanted to e-mail him right away, but I figured that I would exhibit some restraint…and wait two hours ;).

It’s always sunny with Philly Matt

June 2005

I left NYC a day early to stop off in Philadelphia to go out with Philly Matt. We hadn't seen each other since my Girls' Weekend in Philadelphia in late April. I got off the train and took the escalator up to the main level of the station. There Matt was…looking as fine as ever in his jean jacket and French Connection t-shirt. We gave each other a long, close hug, and I sighed to myself. It felt good to (finally) choose a nice guy!

Philly Matt had less than 24 hours to plan our date, but he still put some thought into it. We drove off to a restaurant in Olde City. There was a fireplace inside with a lot of warm wood and European beers on tap. The restaurant was casual, but romantic. We grabbed a drink at the bar, while we waited for a table. He turned to me and said,

"It's already 8. I'm happy to bring you back to the station after dinner so you can get a train back to DC tonight. But, on the chance that you wanted to stay over, I reserved a room for you at the Westin. I don't mean to be presumptuous, and I'm happy to go home tonight or sleep on the couch in the hotel room. I just wanted to spend as much time with you as I could, and I didn't want to worry about you on the train at midnight."

I looked at him and smiled, "That was really thoughtful, Matt. I would love to stay over. I'm sure the couch will work, too."

In less than an hour, Philly Matt had exhibited several qualities that I wasn't used to seeing in the guy that I was dating. (Thoughtful and communicative guys might be the norm for some girls, but not me.) I could tell that I was ready for a nicer guy because his comments and actions didn't scare me off in the slightest.

Matt sat at the bar for over an hour, talking about his children, my job and how we met. When we finally got to a table, I realized that I hadn't stopped smiling since he picked me up from the station. Philly Matt made me laugh and feel safe all at the same time.

I could tell that I liked him when I showed him my dorky side. He excused himself to go to the bathroom, and I took one of my business cards out of my purse and wrote a little note on the back about how fine he was. When he returned to our table, he saw the card on his chair, read it and laughed out loud.

After dinner, we went over to Club 27 where we met. We danced a bit. And, then, that part of me that can over-think relationships with men kicked into gear. For over two years, my world revolved around Basketball Boy. Even when I was seeing other guys, I just viewed them as temporary companionship and would drop everything for Basketball Boy. Now, I was looking at Philly Matt and only thinking about him. Did he have boyfriend potential?

We didn't stay long at the club since it was packed. We headed back to the Westin, and I set some ground rules: I didn't want to do anything south of the border. If he was okay with that, I was fine with him sleeping in the bed with me.

Philly Matt wasn't just fine with that, but he thought that it was smart to take things slow and get to know each other. Wow! Now, that was refreshing!

Our time together in the hotel room reminded me of the second night that we spent together in April. His mouth was so warm. His tongue was engaging and passionate without being sloppy. When he kissed me, I felt weak in the knees – no matter whether we were standing up or lying down.

In the morning, we woke up and just picked up where we left off. We made out for over an hour like we were in high school. At noon, he realized that he didn't know when checkout time was. He picked up the phone and called the front desk.

"Yes, I was wondering what time checkout is? [Pause.] Noon, huh? [Pause.] As in, right now? [Pause. He laughs.] Well, would it be possible to have a later checkout? [Pause.] Thank you!"

We had another two hours. Oh, in case you're wondering how we spent that time, we used 15 minutes to get ready and the rest of the time to kiss each other some more. I know that we had brunch afterward, but couldn't tell you where or what we talked about. I just remember boarding the train that afternoon to DC and thinking that I would be spending much more time in Philadelphia. *Sigh*