Visiting the breast surgeon

I am girly-girl in all the traditional interpretations of that stereotype. My love of pink has carried over throughout the decades. (The owner of Nido, a Georgetown boutique, has commented that she can't look at a pink purse without thinking of me.)

I don't know how I feel about people sporting pink in October in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, though. What message does that color send to women about their gender and sexual identity? Does all that pink really translate into people taking more responsibility for their own health? Where does the money that is raised from the sale of pink ribbons and other similar items go to? There have been so many advancements in breast cancer research and acceptance about the disease. But, have we become to immune to how much more still needs to be done before there is a cure? Does pinkwashing lead to better preventative and early detection practices? Or, does it just dilute the message and the cause as a whole?

What are your thoughts on the pink?

Yesterday, I had to visit my breast surgeon. Here's why:


And here's what my breast surgeon said:


The pink don't mean a thing if you ain't feeling your boobies! If you'd like to read more about preventative mastectomies, here's some information from the Mayo Clinic.

I care. xoxo

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