Roya was quite the busy 10 month old in April!
We enjoyed brunch at Auntie Kate’s place, a visit from Grandpa and Nana, Easter service at Western Presbyterian, and my 41st birthday at Bourbon Steak. Roya also continued to go to Gymboree and music class, and we added a Baby Aquatics class into our weekly routine. (Roya is quite the water baby!) And, of course, there was lunch bunch at Peacock Cafe.
The weekend of April 18th found us at theĀ American University Social Learning Summit. It meant so much to me to have Roya and The Man at the conference! The inaugural SLS in 2011 was the first student-run social media conference in the nation!
The only tough April event came when Roya spiked a fever of 104.9 degrees. I was beyond grateful that it went down in a day, thanks to infant Advil and cool wash cloths.
We ended the month by participating in our first charity walk with my students to benefit the National Eating Disorders Association! An added bonus to holding a charity walk on The National Mall was going on the carousel outside the Smithsonian after we were done.
Hoping your spring was also off to a wonderful start!